- 1. Services
- (English)
- Technologies used by me on various platforms (Unix, Linux, XP, Vista): HTML, XHTML, DTHML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, VBSCRIPT, AJAX, XSLT, XML Gimp, Adobe Photoshop Microsoft ...
- 2. Portfolio
- (English)
- Portfolio Web Sites, Web and Desktop Applications A free estimate of web programming - HERE ! ...
- 3. About
- (English)
- ... for organizations, companies or persons. Either you desire a website building or an application from the start or the reconstruction of an existing one, I have the best solution for you. As ...
- 4. Home
- (English)
- Web Design - Web Site Building A well done site with some original graphics may contribute to a great extent to your business success. It is the first impact on your clients ...
- 5. Who's Online
- (Uncategorised)
- The Who's Online Module displays the number of Anonymous Users (e.g. Guests) and Registered Users (ones logged in) that are currently accessing the Web site. Help ...